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Tim Smith

Wind Industry Always Knew That Wind Turbine Noise Exposure Causes Adverse Health Effects

If this does not shock and motivate you, then we do not know what will!

We have to thank Stop These Things for bringing this to light in an exemplarary manner.

The wind industry has worked very hard to cover up sleep deprivation and other adverse health effects caused by turbine-generated low-frequency noise and infrasound. It started with the woefully inadequate, indeed, utterly irrelevant noise standards written by the wind industry; and the institutional corruption that:

a) allowed those standards to become the “benchmarks” in the first place; and

b) sees government authorities with a responsibility to protect public health, not only sitting on their hands, but barracking in favour of the wind industry, at the expense of the very people these planning and public health agencies and authorities are paid handsomely to protect.

Back in February 2015, STT set out a chronology (linked here) of what the wind industry and its pet acoustic consultants knew (and when they knew it); what the wind industry did in response to that knowledge; and how the wind industry and its parasites foot tooth and nail to ensure that that knowledge has no impact on its freedom to ride roughshod over the human rights, health and well-being of people living next door to industrial wind turbines.

The chronology is set out as a timeline, which can be accessed by clicking on this link here or the image below.

This rubbish regulation is still in use, despite a WPP report on Wind Farm Noise for UK Government that finds several failings in ETSU-R-97.

Why hang on to it then?

Because it was established by the wind energy industry to suit their purpose!

Not that of the general public!

The reality is, that infrasound cannot be mitigated anymore than PFAS and micro plastics can, and so they are deliberately scoped out of Environmental Impact Statements.

If proper set-back distances were to be observed, developments of large wind turbines would not be possible in countries such as Denmark (as stated by Vestas themselves), or Wales, There would be less wind energy built , as projects would not be be profitable for developers or their investors.

That is precisely what the Welsh Government, or Scottish Government for that matter, cannot permit within their idealism, or thirst for lining their own pockets.

Well now you know better.

The question is: 'What Will You DO About It'?

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